A Complete Guide How Fantasy Sports App Works

If you are new to the world of fantasy sports then you need to understand the basic things about the app and its functionalities. If you are aware of how to make your team, then you should also understand concepts like the credit score of a player and many other things that follow. Nowadays, play fantasy cricket and other sports have become a trend. You will feel a little outcast if you don’t play these sports once in a while because your social circle is definitely making their teams right now.

There are numerous apps and websites available on the internet that offer you the pleasure of playing fantasy sports. There is not much of a difference between these websites and they all are similar in almost all ways. The only difference is the brand endorsement, different big guns endorse these apps. For example, Sehwag is the ambassador of MyTeam11, which means a fan who loves Sehwag will definitely play on MyTeam11. There are many other factors that differentiate these apps, but rules and criteria do not come under these factors.

Step 1: Download an app
The very first thing you need is to download a fantasy app on your device, or if you are a desktop person, you have the option of signing up on different websites. Signing up takes a few minutes and is hassle-free.

Step 2: Mega or small league
After you have signed up and you are ready to play, you need to choose between mega leagues and small leagues. Fantasy sports have two kinds of leagues, one is mega or grand, where a lot of participants combat against each other, and the prize is distributed among a few. Small leagues have less number of participants, and the chances of winning are more here.

Step 3: Credit score
When you are making your team, you will observe that different players have different credit scores. You cannot choose all the in-form players or great players because they have a high credit score. Therefore, you need to make a balanced team of players playing from both teams.

Step 4: Select a captain and a vice-captain
This step is the most crucial because the captain and vice-captain are very important for your team. Selecting them is the last stage and you are done making your team after that.

When you are finished with all the steps, and you have entered the competition, you can see the teams made up by your opponents and track the live score through the app. You can also check the leaderboard whenever you feel like it. Fantasy sports are very good for entertainment and gaining knowledge about the sport.

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